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Monica Gonzaga
"I facilitate your life in Ecuador"
- When are going to rule the new immigration regulations?
Since August 10th, 2017 are effective BUT there are diferent times to keep on mind.
- Can I apply directly to a Permanent Visa?
No, you must have had a temporal visa for at least 21 months.
- Do I need to have a Health Insurance?
Private or Public Health Insurance will be required to visitors temporal and permanent residents
- Am I going to have a cédula order with my Visa?
No. You will have to get your cédula order with a different file and a new online appointment.
- Can I apply for an extension visa?
Yes. There is a 90 days extension visa which you can get in the Ministerio del Interior.
Contact Me
Gran Colombia 15-71 y Miguel Vélez
Cuenca - Ecuador
Tlf: +593 0983841691 WhatsApp
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